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© Copyright 2017 - odeacommunications.com - All Rights Reserved
Distribution in whole or in part requires prior permission from thie author
I love words. I love the way they feel in my mouth when I speak them and in my mind when I search for just the right ones to express a thought or feeling. I marvel at how others string them together to create the most incredibly powerful yet delicate, hysterical, insightful, sensitive, and just down-right brilliant worlds of communication that challenge and enlighten me.
Over the decades, words have helped me navigate extreme ecstasies and sorrows, fears and hopes. Most recently, I completed a short story that Stephen King could have banged out in 45 minutes; it took me years to write. I don’t know why the process was so difficult, but it’s often the journey that is more important than the arrival, right?
Should any of you care to read The Old Lady and the Alien, I would be thrilled to have your feedback. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the survey at the end of the story. If you have further comments or questions, don't hesitate to send me an email.
Thanks again to all you dedicated writers out there who continually offer us readers incredible journeys through the magic of words.
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Let us begin . . . download the story here